среда, 28 октября 2009 г.

Don't buy my album on iTunes! I didn't put it there!

      Someone put my "Ars Magica" album on iTunes. I didn't do that, my latest album is free to download.
      It is free for any country, not only for Russia.
      I'll try to settle this violation and find out who has done that.
So if you want to listen to "Ars Magica" album, use the download link in my blog. Or you can listen it via last.fm, again absolutely for free.

Best regards and have nice holidays!

Darkness be with you,

воскресенье, 4 октября 2009 г.

среда, 2 сентября 2009 г.

Ars Magica

Альбом в жанре Этно-Индастриал/Эмбиент. Звук очень экспериментальныйВ треках довольно много ритмических элементов, этнических барабанов, синтезаторов, битов, IDM элементов. В целом могу сказать, что это совершенно новый и, скорее всего, дальнейший звук проекта Witcher.
Album in Ethno-Industrial and Dark Ambient genres. My 4th album after three Ambient pieces. It is completely different, it has many rhytmic elements, provided by ethnic drums and downsampled distorted beats. The overall musical picture is created by ethnic instruments and the soundscape is made with synthezised samples. Difficult to describe the album as it has very experimental sound with a big ammount of IDM elements.